Wednesday, January 29, 2014

where to buy "The Secrets of Egypt" Book*********************

“I CAN DO IT”. The rest of the world would, eventually, follow my lead.
My incursions in the Middle East show business (in Oman and Lebanon, in particular) had not left the best of impressions on my eager willingness to dignify Oriental D...ance and go deeper into its Sacred (sacred?! – The choruses asked in astonishment) dimensions. The law that forbade me to professionally perform in Cairo had pushed me to look out for other doors that could, indirectly, lead to my dream realization."

Little piece of texto from my new book
Already for sale all over the world**********************

My baby is already running the World* - just like it is supposed to happen. I feel endless gratitude and bliss to see all my dreams coming true and even Life´s gifts (like this book) that go beyond all I dreamt of.

To follow all the news about my book, go to its Official Fan Page on the Facebook, offer a LIKE and follow its updates:

To buy the book, go to the link:

Monday, January 27, 2014

The sweetest obsession (for the Road)

When it comes to Jude Law, I am nothing but a crazy teenager with jumpy hormones, no sense of decency or maturity. I have the right to my own insanity portion (and what a gorgeous insanity this is).

Oh, Jude. Thanks. You´re lovely too.

I know, I know...I feel the same.

The Secrets of Egypt Book Teasers by Joana Saahirah (number 4)

"Are the characters in the book real people? Did those stories happened or are they fictional?"
Discover the answers.

Workshops - THE SECRETS OF EGYPT...- and Show in Maribor, Slovenia (1,2nd February)

What a happy return!
I´m happy to announce that I will be teaching and performing in Maribor, Slovenia next weekend (1,2nd February).

STAR MAKER - how to shine like the star you (really*) are - Amazing "majancé" (entrance on stage) on the way plus how to move, communicate, be your best self on stage.

THE SECRETS OF EGYPT - Joana Saahirah´s pioneer workshop (level I). Here´s the workshop that originated my new (NOW PUBLISHED) BOOK
"The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond".

Don´t expect your usual "bellydance" workshop; you´re IN for a treat that will rock your world. Those things no one else is teaching about Egyptian Dance are precisely the ones that are the CORE of this magical art. And you know what?! I´m sharing them with you.

Show in Maribor - one more chance to share Dance/Life with the warm and beautiful audiences of Slovenia.
This book - The Secrets of Egypt - you see over here was born out of the WORKSHOP that Slovenia is now receiving. I invite you to JOIN the MAGIC* 

The small* things

-Why don´t you buy that dress, darling? - The lebanese actress asked me while staring at my glittering image on the mirror.
-I´s gorgeous you know how much it costs?!
-Sure I do, habibty. This is "haute couture"! Did you expect a bargain?! You HAVE to buy it. - She snapped at me, unaware of the fact that some women - women who are not like HER - actually earn their money with their honest work (which does NOT include sleeping their way up the ladder, any ladder) and, therefore, are less inclined to throw dollar notes on the air just because a gorgeous dress happens to cost 2400 dollars.

-Do you have any idea how many lunches with friends and delicious coffees I can pay with the money that dress costs?! - I ended the conversation, letting her dumbfounded, pinching me with her piercing black (as crows) eyes. This girl is unbelievable!, she thought.

There are two ideas which could not - simply COULD NOT - be processed by that lebanese actress:

1. The idea that I was the one who would have to pay for that dress with money that actually came from my dance work and not from a rich "pacha" who covers my expenses in exchange "you know for what".

2. The idea that I would prefer to spend my honest money on lunches with friends and great coffee instead of spending it on a luxury "haute couture" dress (a dress that, for the sake of the painful truth, made me look like a billion dollar queen).

This scene happened in Cairo (Egypt) some years ago but, somehow, it came back to me now. The value of the so called "small things" is haunting me, whispering in my ears, making itself noticed like never before. Most people usually value the expensive, vavavoom stuff (houses, cars, great cloths, impressive titles/jobs, etc) when the things that keep us moving ahead with a smile on our faces are the simplest.
Those things that avoid premature insanity; those things  that allow us to rest our minds and rescue our hearts from life´s trials; those things that feed our souls on a daily basis so that TRULY great things can come out of our hands are "the little ones": a meal with a friend, a warm cup of coffee, a book and a blanket, a kiss, a hug, a word or smile of kindness, a movie, fresh water when we´re thirsty, music, love, a run in the park, feet in the ocean, the sun covering our skin...and the list goes on and on.

Still we keep chasing the ghost(s)...Ah!
(Waking up)

Words* and Creation***

“Words! Mere words! How terrible they were!
How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape from them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! They seemed to be able to give a plastic form to formless things, and to have a music of their own as sweet as that of viol or of lute.
Mere words! Was there anything so real as words?”
Oscar Wilde

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A little "see you later" with Maya Angelou (Determination rocks!)

 "There were times when it was said that I had more determination than talent. This may be said of many. It may also be said that life loves the person who dares to live it."Maya Angelou
Via: Lydia Anneli Bleth
Oh, oh!
Yes, they did. They´ve also said I didn´t know how to dance but I succeeded thanks to my "charisma" (OMG, imagine what a powerful charisma I must have!); that I hanged out with the wrong crowds and had an arrogant pair of teeth in my mouth; that I slept my way up to success (this is my personal favorite for reasons I don´t have the time, energy or patience to pinpoint right now); that, that, that...
You know what?! SCREW the haters, the medíocres, the cowards, the envy queens/kings and the lazy bones who refuse to DO, RISK, TRY, EXPOSE themselves but also don´t want YOU* to give it your best. 
P.S: I love Maya Angelou.

World Tour starting now (blessed, grateful and excited)*********************

Trying my best to handle many boats at the same time*. My day seems to have the same 24 hours as everybody else´s day (go figure!) and I haven´t managed to multiply myself into several Joanas with whom I can slipt the jobs so...chop-chop (my most recent mantra).
Focusing on priorities (the public and the private ones;).
My first 2014 World Tour is starting now so there´s a lot of shows and workshops to offer; my new book´s promotion is just starting to flow and I´m on it with my heart and soul; the last revision of my "other" book is also on my current TO DO (now!!!) list - yep: another baby on the way...a BOMBASTIC one; a new course (4 months of very special classes in Portugal are about to begin); a novel asking to be written (yes: I´m absurd; yes: I´m crazy; yes: I´m so blessed...:); NEW projects which are still in the secret Goddesses´box (you´ll hear about them at the right time).
Meanwhile: I challenge you to participate in the THE SECRETS of EGYPT BOOK CONTEST and wish you have a fabulous time (until we "meet" again).
My first baby - shinning around the world.

Dancing and teaching around the World: YEAH, BABY!**********************

Sorry, folks, but I couldn´t resist. Jude Law is still* my dirtiest (I mean wonderful...upps!), irresistible wish for 2014.

Always GROWING; always flying higher; always LEARNING and becoming who I am - every day, a little bit closer to the Truth.

"The Secrets of Egypt" BOOK CONTEST (win your own autographed copy!)

 Here´s your chance to enter the CONTEST and win your own (personalized) autographed hard cover (GORGEOUSSSSS!!!) copy of Joana Saahirah´s NEW BOOK "THE SECRETS of EGYPT - DANCE, LIFE & BEYOND".
See how you can participate and win this magical prize by following the link:

WHY I wrote the BOOK “The Secrets of Egypt – Dance, Life and Beyond”?

How this new born baby came to Life 
 (WHY I wrote “The Secrets of Egypt – Dance, Life and Beyond”):

"How did I end up living and performing in Egypt for almost a decade, succeeding in my career against all odds? How did I do it* when and everyone around me yelled: YOU CAN´T!
The answer to these – and other – intriguing questions is above words and rational understanding; it´s Magic (God´s playground) we´re talking about over here. Some call it obsession, others call it suicidal or masochist (to say the least); I call it PASSION.
Almost killed, chased, shocked and amazed with an Egyptian (fascinating) underworld very few foreigners ever get to know.
In my heart, I knew I had to go to Egypt and rescue my past, myself, my soul; I knew I had to dig from under the sand an almost lost legacy and finally keep my word (an old promise I made). I had to finish what I started a long, long time ago (as if Time actually existed).
I knew I had to build my current life and career from that divine ground from which a beautiful, shinning and luminous garden would spread its trees and flowers throughout the World; a Voice (angel´s guidance*) insisted on whispering in my chest: GO and rescue what´s left of the Dragon´s Tail. Catch that incense trail and keep it in your heart – then spread it wherever the wind may take you.
So I did (do) and, by doing so, I learnt way more than just the craft of Oriental Dance: the Journey* was never only about the dance, darling.
Oriental Dance is nothing but a Door – covered in veils and luminous sequins - to a Temple where much about Life´s Adventure is to be learnt.

Welcome to my Journey; enjoy your OWN ride."

Piece from the Book The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life and Beyond - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Joana Saahirah video teaser The Secrets´s book (number 3)

One more sneak peak of my NEW BOOK "THE SECRETS OF EGYPT - DANCE, LIFE & BEYOND"

Loads of surprises on the way. Enjoy the Ride!

Joana Saahirah video teaser The Secrets´ Book (number 2)

Here´s one more of my new VIDEO TEASERS. The aim of these vídeos is to bring you closer to my NEW BOOK as well as my dance work (deeply connected and springing from the book) and VISION* of Oriental Dance.

Wait for some REALLY* nasty, naughty and OUT of the BOX surprises. Creativity and daring urgency are (dangerously) flowing through me these days and I have no intention to stop it or limit it in any way.

Thanking God for all THIS* water, earth, air and fire.

Friday, January 24, 2014

"The Secrets of Egyptian Dance" + Star Maker in Slovenia - 1,2nd February!

What a wonderful way to open my 2014 World Tour: teaching and performing in Maribor (Slovenia) this February (1,2nd February).
The Course "The Secrets of Egyptian Dance" had his first little step in Lisbon and its second - definitive - step in London (givin birth to the now PUBLISHED BOOK "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond").
Magical* is not enough to describe our upcoming weekend in Slovenia. Join the Party and see/feel for yourself**********************

Diplomatically incorrect but SOOOOOO true!

Not Gangnam style - MY style:
"Sometimes I feel like giving up, but then I remembre I have a lot of motherfuckers to prove wrong".
Damn sure I do. Agreed: this is not a diplomatically correct statement but, at least where I´m concerned, it´s spot on TRUE.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unspoken dreams:

Joana Saahirah in Paris (show and workshops) this February!

Voulez vous danser avec moi?
Paris, here I come!
Cairo By Night Festival this February- show and workshops in the city of Love plus some extra time to enjoy the city.
I just want to sit at a cosy Parisian coffee shop with a cup of sizzling coffee on my hands and watch Life go by for a little while...

Show at the magnificent "LA CIGALE". Preparing some VERY naughty - and out of the box - work for one of the most magical cities on planet earth. Rocking DA HOUSE, nothing less than that.
New me in Paris = YES!

La, la, la, ladida, la, la...

Light, love, passion, excitement, dreams come true - I´ll stand for nothing less than ALL that.

Flash News: "The Secrets of Egypt" BOOK CONTEST arriving...

My first published baby is coming to LIFE - thanks to passionate, serious and persistent work and thanks God (where all of you are included). Dance and Writing are just two of the many sides my Creativity finds to express itself.
Thankful for the constant Spring inside my soul.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"The Secrets of Egypt" BOOK CONTEST is arriving...

There´s a special contest arriving to town and you´ll have the chance to win a (gorgeous) hard cover copy of my new BOOK
 "THE SECRETS of EGYPT - Dance, Life & Beyond" with a personalized autograph by the author (it seems it´s me*).
More details are arriving very soon.

Video Teaser: "The Secrets of Egypt" (Book by Joana Saahirah)

Always learning - indeed. Now I know that a book is not finished when its author finishes writing it. There are so many wonderful and challenging stages to the whole BOOK event - I had no idea!

This is how this Adventure is happening to me (I don´t know if these stages apply to every author/writer):

1. The FLAME* was born in my heard - an internal CALL (not rational) urged me to write the book;

2. First editing/revision phase (what I now call "the essencial pain in the ass" phase). I polish the book, cut the accessoire, correct any mistakes that may have slipped and define a structure for the book;

3. Second (or third) revision/edition: this is what I now call the "ROYAL pain in the ass" and I do believe it´s the phase that requires more courage and clarity. This is when you TAKE the DECISIONS - final decisions! - that will make* the book. The weight of responsibility is huge by this time because you know that now there´s no turning back and everything you DECIDE to leave on each page is definitive.

4. Publishing the book - oh! What an Battle...don´t even let me go there;

5. Taking care of all the aspects that you never thought you would focus on: graphic design, cover and back cover, size of letters, type of word, price of the book, marketing plan, etc;

6. Starting to promote the book once it´s published and on sale;

7. Getting ready to receive the feed-back from readers; journalists; book critics, etc. Each person who will read the book will add something unique to it (can´t wait to hear all your comments!).

It´s more than official: I´m in LOVE with my own book. I know it sounds egocentric and cheesy but it´s true*. I hope you´ll feel the same when you read it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Places where you can buy my NEW BOOK ("The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond")

Here are the places where you can buy my
 "THE SECRETS OF EGYPT - DANCE, LIFE & BEYOND" -  A Journey of Death and Rebirth in the country of the Pyramids
Once upon a time, I had a dream so I chased it in Egypt. This Magical Book tells about this Adventure, the Price we pay for our Passions and the Wisdom we can gather on the falls and on the Journey up the Mountain.
Almost killed, chased, shocked and amazed with an Egyptian (fascinating) underworld very few foreigners ever get to know.

***To buy the BOOK ( at Author House, or Barnes and Noble), follow the links:




" The Vision* of a Dance that answers to the question: what´s the Law?
I can hear the eternal echo (lonely singing in the mountains): The Law is LOVE. Here´s my discovery, my creed and reason to live –
my own treasure island found at the present (full circle) moment.
Leaving everything I knew behind, heading to the mysterious Egypt (with a bag full of ignorance, guts and big dreams) was more than an ambitious impulse; it was a Sacred Initiation. Little did I know that it would be through hell that I would reach (my own private) Heaven."

From my BOOK "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond"

Monday, January 20, 2014

Brand new kind of Love*********************

No one told me it would be like this*: what a FEELING!
Grabbing my own book for the first time, opening it, feeling the texture and smell of the pages and the whole passion that I put into it is amazing. What a sweet irony that I´m at the lack of words to describe my own book.
I know I am suspect to say it but it´s TRUE: the book is gorgeous: the cover and back cover, the inside illustrations I did with my own hands, the text personalized graphism: everything looks and feels beyond GORGEOUS.
Man, oh man. I´ve never felt this proud of myself.
Thank you, God!

Kenzy - one of my angels - getting a taste of the Book*.

The baby sitting on my pc. Proud mummy I am.

Inside illustration (done by the author*:)

Me - or my Avatar - going completely nuts over the BOOK*.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

JoanaSaahirah on TWITTER* - welcome, world!

The world is changing - and, by world, I mean me*.

 Oh, boy, is it REALLY possible?! My own Avatar and now a twitter account. I was not made for such technological stuff. I swear I am not a cybernetic kind of gal. Then came the world I am.
Feel welcome to follow my (crazy and always out of the box) tweets*

Here´s my new TWITTER account:

My Avatar (or real self through a virtual doll?!)

All right: I haven´t decided if this is extremely cute or plain weird (maybe both). Here´s my Avatar - or me in the shape of a virtual doll who seems to have a life of her own and speak up the things I don´t have the  lucidity to express.
So far, so good (I see a strange addiction being born over here...). 



Oh, boy :/