Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cairo, the 2nd January, 2011

Miracles (of blissful beauty)

Suddenly I remembered a weird and wonderful thing that happened on this New Year's Eve:
After dancing among friends (YES, they have convinced me to actually dance - Oriental Dance - outside my working atmosphere, something absolutely strange and rare to happen).
I danced, everyone stared at me and stopped clapping, just enjoying my dance.
Then I said "Enough..." now it's your turn and pointed out another one of my friends for his turn to dance on the spot.
As I sit back on the sofa and watched him "trying" his oriental moves and among the crowd, noise, happy giggling and music, I felt a clear aroma of burning incense stuck to my face as if someone was burning saudi incense (the best!) a few millimetres from my nose.
While everyone cheered and sang along with the music, I searched for the incense burner.
" It cannot be far" - I thought to myself.
The strong, delightful aroma of the incense was too near from my nostrils, it had to be around, somewhere very near...
The fact was that there was no incense burning anywhere in my friend's house.
I asked the owners of the place where they were burning the incense and inquired surroundind people to know if they too were feeling the same strong smell but there had been no incense burnt in that house for a long time one was feeling the aroma of incense, except me.
One of my dear - and supersticious - friends whispered in my ear that this was a signal, a blessing from God.
Yeah, right... (maybe, yes, no, what a crazy thing to say or not?!)
I smiled and didn't really know what to say. I was extremely confused and peaceful at the same time.
As I know that many things in life are not meant to be logically explained, I will not even analyze the episode but I can still feel the incense aroma around me, until now.
And that's all that matters.

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