Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Portugal, the 15th February, 2011

Great news from Cairo!

I´ve been hearing such GREAT NEWS from Cairo...life getting back on track and a renewed sense of FREEDOM and BUILDING force that was not on egyptian´s faces before this Revolution happened.

This is a time to dream, to enjoy some sweet illusions as well (proper of every Revolution´s after math) and to BUILD a new country.

A main initial BIG step was given but it was just the first step. To have the democracy and happy country Egypt deserves to be, people have to mobilize now to educate themselves, work hard and honestly and make as much pressure as possible to have free, fair, transparent elections on next September.

I hope this will be the case.

Meanwhile, I just wish to return to Cairo and get on with "my part" of the job. No promises, no ideas.

Actions will speak for myself, as they always do.

P.S. Missing Egypt. Too much.............................................

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