Friday, June 10, 2011

Revolution (not the egyptian, the GLOBAL one!)

"If love appears, then who will be a Christian and then who will be a Jew?

If love appears, religions will disappear.

If love appears, who is going to go to the temple?For what?

It is because love is missing that you are searching for God. God is nothing but a substitute for your missing love. Because you are not blissful, because you are not peaceful, because you are not ecstatic, you are searching for God. Otherwise, who bothers?

If your life is a dance, God has been attained already. The loving heart is full of God. There is no need for any search, there is no need for any prayer, there is no need to go to any temple, to any priest.

Hence the priest and the politician, these two, are the enemies of humanity. They are in a conspiracy, because the politician wants to rule your body and the priest wants to rule your soul. And the secret is the same: DESTROY LOVE.

Then a man is nothing but a hollowness, an emptiness, a meaningless existence. Then you can do whatsoever you want with humanity and nobody will rebel, nobody will have the COURAGE enough to rebel."

Osho, in "COURAGE".

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