Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Off we* go: IRELAND it is.

Dublin and Tullamore are waiting for me (workshops, conference and performance). 

Each place gathers a unique and special experience - teaching is also Learning, do remember - people, mentality, feeling and way of receiving my work and Vision of Oriental Dance.
It is an honor and immense pleasure to return to Ireland and share my Dance with some more incredible dancers.

LOVING what I do is the biggest blessing on earth - as well as watching as all my Dreams* come true in front of each step I take.
Hard work, courage, stamina, talent, guts, an innate adventure inclination, honesty and PASSION for what I do: here´s the secret* of Success.

Here´s a link with some news of my upcoming visit to Ireland:4

See you all soon at the Blog for updates on the next events as well as the usual - unusual - accounts of my professional wanderings throughout the World*.
Oscar Wild: here I come!:)
Photo edited by Monir Mahmoud.

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