Monday, December 30, 2013

New posts, new look, new book, new year, new LIFE*********************

The painting you can now see (enjoy*) on my blog was made by the Artist Rute Maluma and it´s a divine part of a new Cycle of my Journey.
2013 is almost coming to an end and there´s much to be THANKFUL for:
1. How much health, vigour and breath I enjoyed in 2013.
I never stop feeling surprised at the marvellous CREATION my body, mind, heart and soul are. No matter how much I´ve lived and how many challenges these "guys" have been through, they never fail to recover, heal, reinvent themselves and assure me the HEALTH, ENERGY, INSPIRATION and REASON(s) to LIVE.
2. 2013 was a year of RADICAL - and blessed - changes for me. I´ve decided to take Egypt in my heart and share it with the whole world (travelling all over the globe to teach, lecture and perform within the Vision* I have of Egyptian Oriental & Folkloric Dances).
Being able to feel like a human being again and just walk in public without being sexually harassed at every 5 seconds was a HUGE relief. 
Having lived and built my career in Egypt, I have seen* a cycle closing (there was nothing more to achieve or learn in Egypt) and another one - BRIGHTER and even HIGHER - opening in front of my eyes.
3. 2013 was a year of permanent TRAVELING related to my work. I lost the count of countries where I taught my workshops, performed and presented conferences on the wide and fascinating realm of Egyptian Oriental and Folkloric Dances. I hope I have touched - and inspired - other dancers and audiences as much as they have touched and inspired me.
Ready, grateful and blessed for MORE* of this wonderful Dream come true***********************
3. 2013 was also a year of WRITING - BIG TIME. No one (including me) knows how much hard work, patience, persistence and skills are necessary to write a BOOK. After I´ve written (and edited which, in reality, means "rewriting") my first Book about my Journey in Egypt, another (unexpected) BOOK asked to be written ("The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond"). As an obedient (?!) listener, I followed the call, wrote and edited this baby within a couple of months. To my own surprise (and to Life/God´s ironic delight) this one will be the FIRST book to be published. It´s already on the Publishing House´s hands and I can´t wait to see it out there.
4. 2013 was a year of close friends returning to my life, new amazing people crossing my paths and a renewed sense of PURPOSE, HOPE and ENTHUSIASM.
5. Despite all odds, competition and other "dark spots" on the map of the Oriental Dance Universe, I feel honoured - and lucky - to have worked with a LOT of amazing people, dancers, sponsors, teachers, students, etc; I also feel immensely grateful for the way my work is received EVERYWHERE I go (with no exception). After almost 8 years of living and performing with/for Egyptians and Arabs, I was not sure how my art would be received by audiences of other nationalities (for whom Oriental Dance is not a familiar language) but the answers could not have been better. You know what? What comes from the heart goes straight to the heart. Yes, ladies and gentlemen.
6. 2013 was a year of FABULOUS growth and freedom for me but 2014 will be even better (in every way). Just wait and see*********************
Wish you all the same blessings I dream for myself. May the seeds you plant grow into flowers and may those flowers be of the same scent as heaven.
Love for all of us* (see you in 2014)
Plenty of them!

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