Sunday, March 9, 2014

Liliana Pinhal, the winner of THE SECRETS OF EGYPT BOOK contest

My BLOG´s oficial Congratulations to Liliana Pinhal, the winner of "The Secrets of Egypt" BOOK contest.
Here´s the answer who made her win the autographed hard cover book (with a hug and a picture on the side, as you can see above):

Congratulations, Liliana! Thanks to all participants for their insightful answers and lovely presence at the contest.

Liliana Pinhal´s answer (in Portuguese and English):

What is the biggest secret of Egyptian Dance & Life?

O maior segredo do Dança Egípcia e da Vida é uma receita que mistura sentimentos fortes e intensos./ The biggest secret of Egyptian Dance (and of life) is a recipe that mixes strong and intense feelings.


• 3 chávenas de Paixão (pela Vida);3 cups of Passion (for Life);
• 2 chávenas de Amor (da Família e dos Amigos); 2 cups of Love (of the family and friends);
• 1 chávena de Sonho; 1 cup of Dream
• 1 chávena de Entrega; 1 cup of Dedication
• 1/2 chávena de Vocação e outra tanta de Trabalho; ½ cup of talent and some other of Work;
• 1 colher de sopa de Alegria de Viver; 1 soup spoon of “Joie de Vivre” (Joy for living);
• 4 pedaços de Querer; 4 pieces of Wanting.


Ponha tudo num recipiente bem grande e mexa tudo, mas à mão, para dar mais vontade!/ Put everything in a big recipiente and mix it all with your own hands to give it more zest!
Porque Viver, como Dançar, como cozinhar é Amor - é AMAR / Because Living, as Dancing, as cooking is Love – it´s Loving.


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