Monday, October 25, 2010

Cairo, the 25th October, 2010

Thanks Giving, every day.

O.k, I admit I am repeating myself on this Thanks Giving subject but , what a heck, we have to say what's in our hearts and so I do (for my own pleasure and punishment, some times).

I am giving Thanks to God on a daily basis and it's overwhelming how much I receive when I am aware of the blessings in my life and make the best of them.:)
I will not nominate everything I am grateful for but I can honestly say that tonight - and from now on - I will dance on stage as sacred women danced in ancient temples of Nature.
Dancing is a prayer, it has always been a prayer for me. I am closer to God when I dance as I am closer to God when I LOVE something or someone from all my heart and soul.
So this is my decision: to make my stage, from now on, the official Thanks Giving temple. My audiences will not be testimonies of this ritual but part of it because we're all ONE.
This is BLISS....
Thanks Giving, every minute, every second of my blessed LIFE.

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