Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cairo, the 27th November, 2010

In vino/tango veritas...

Dyonisus is the ancient greek God of Sensual Pleasures, Music and Wine, Madness and Wild creativity. Through his grapes, the ancients found the " truth" (or a drunk version of it, I may say).

The question is I am human and, therefore, need some sort of release from all the tensions and heartaches that life always seems to carry, at least, once in a while.

I don't drink - sorry Dyonisus! - and have no interest in smoking drugs or cigarettes but, recently, I have found my favourite way to get drunk and simply forget about life's hardships: Dancing the TANGO.

Oh, we go...

After my shows of tonight - hoping they will be AMAZING! - I will run (with my tango shoes and dress in my bag) to a milonga (occasion when tango dancers share hours of dance just for the pure pleasure of it exchanging partners and practicing their skills and feeling with different people). Don't even mention I will be attending the milonga around 1.30h in the morning and, therefore, will have a long - hopefuly joyful - tango dancing night...going from Mohamed Abdul Wahab on stage to Carlos Gardel in a milonga.

What a ride!

Just in time for my tango class tomorrow followed by another milonga with my dancing partner.

If I seem to be addicted to TANGO, it's because I REALLY AM!

Who needs alcohol, cigars or drugs when there is TANGO in this world?!

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