Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cairo, the 18th May, 2011

Books and life!

I guess my hands are full right now. Too much to assimilate and taste...

Rudolf Nureyev s biography (talk about AMBITION without limits!) and french romancist Emile Zola telling the strangely familiar tales of "Nana", a parisian dancer/prostitute so close to my surrounding world and a symbol of everything everyone - except my family and real friends- expect me to be.

While I dig, with all my pleasure, in those two books and a few more that I pick up here and there (thanks, Universe, for making me a true daughter of GEMINI sign!) I face my limitations in Dance with the stubborn attitude I tend to put into all my desires accomplishment.

No kidding around here. When I truly FEEL I want to do something, there is nothing and no one who can stop me. Without what many may call arrogance, I could have never reached to the point I am in right now.

Reading Nureyev s biography, I can see how he managed to combine great talent with an ambitious and unscrupulous personality that would stop at nothing to reach his goals.

While I immensely admire his talent, I cannot respect his lack of ethical values while stepping up the stairs of success...

Zola s main character, Nana, simply reminds me of who I don t want to be, even if LIFE pushes me so hard in that direction.

Being a DANCER in Egypt has not only taught me all I know about Oriental dance and Egyptian Folclore but also showed my of which material I am made of.

Challenges follow each other like drops of water in the middle of a tropical tempest and all of them are mirrors of who I REALLY am as a person. That will,for sure, be reflected in my dance.

As I often defend, DANCERS are not ACTORS. And I am a licensed Actress so I must know what I am speaking about.

Dancers always portray their REAL SELVES, even when dancing different characters. The goal of DANCE, as I see and feel it, is to show the CRUDE reality of Human Soul and no masks will do the trick.

That s why, for me, it s so important to build myself as WOMAN I am proud of, being sure that all of that will SHOW on the stage.

The more beautiful and rich I am as a person, the more I will shine on stage, while dancing hence the wish to remain away from all the dirtiness of Oriental Dance in Cairo...

Asking all the Gods for guidance.

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