Saturday, April 23, 2011

The wolves of Cairo city!
Oh so we thought wolves did not exist in Egypt and yet they do.
They´re just disguised as sheeps, pretending to do their good deeds while they plan on screwing you on the first opportunity, when you least expect it.
It´s not that I don´t know already about these animals disguised as "good sheeps" but, because I believe in human decency above all, they always strike me as a surprise without touching my skin but always making me gasp for air. I didn ´t know there was people so desperate and sad to the point of punishing dancers who do not sleep with them in exchange for work.
Blah, blah, blah...the same old story. A Cairo classic. You have to laugh at it, with you, beyond it.
Otherwise, you´ll go mad with the injustice factor of the whole matter.
Post-revolutionary Egypt did not bring, so far, the changes of human´s conscience in order to stop this old, wasted, boring association between DANCERS and PROSTITUTES.
I mean, Come the FUCK on! Time to wake up and smell the coffee, dear potencial gentlemen!
Isn´t it also sad that you have to prove your masculinity by showing off to the world that you screw one and other and yet other dancer for the sake of the money/job opportunities you offer her?!What kind of a man needs this in order to have a woman in his arms?
How much sadder can these businessmen of Cairo get?And when will dancers STOP accepting these games and fight the GOOD FIGHT of the warriors who respect themselves and know their worth?
Wishing a Happy Easter to all the Cairo wolves! Wishing they, some day, become humans.

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