Conversations and pleasures...
4.00h a.m. in Cairo and I am seating with two friends of mine (both dancers) at the coffee-shop in Mohandessin.
We ve been dancing Salsa, merengue, bachata, mambo, kizomba and "que se yo" the whole evening, laughing our hearts out and enjoying each other s presence.
Then we headed for my favourite egyptian fast food place and continue to dance, yet with our mouths.
One of my friends is a GREAT ( and I mean GREAT!) classical ballet dancer and the other is another wonderful Oriental Dancer who happened to have started to study with me, years back in Spain.
Each one of us has his own experience, very different from each other, but each one of us agree on something: we LOVE dancing and we are happy not to be a part of its often dirty system of lobbies, dear friends who only call another dear friends for work and diplomacies that are nothing but lack of talent disguised by mediocre, loveless social relationships.
The better you are on stage, the less you are prone to be arrogant and make yourself more than you are: outside of the stage, you are REALLY just a person like any other person. Only people with no talent and self assurance feel the need to impose themselves on others as superior beings.
I ve been used to be taken for many things I am not: stupid, arrogant, a tramp who eats men for breakfast, prostitute, devilish bitch and so on. I am so used to be taken by these treats (by people who dont even know me) that I can already laugh at it all.
My friends agreed - and I guess that s one of the main reasons why I love them both - that real hard working and talent shown on the stage are enough for us.
4.00h a.m. in Cairo and I am seating with two friends of mine (both dancers) at the coffee-shop in Mohandessin.
We ve been dancing Salsa, merengue, bachata, mambo, kizomba and "que se yo" the whole evening, laughing our hearts out and enjoying each other s presence.
Then we headed for my favourite egyptian fast food place and continue to dance, yet with our mouths.
One of my friends is a GREAT ( and I mean GREAT!) classical ballet dancer and the other is another wonderful Oriental Dancer who happened to have started to study with me, years back in Spain.
Each one of us has his own experience, very different from each other, but each one of us agree on something: we LOVE dancing and we are happy not to be a part of its often dirty system of lobbies, dear friends who only call another dear friends for work and diplomacies that are nothing but lack of talent disguised by mediocre, loveless social relationships.
The better you are on stage, the less you are prone to be arrogant and make yourself more than you are: outside of the stage, you are REALLY just a person like any other person. Only people with no talent and self assurance feel the need to impose themselves on others as superior beings.
I ve been used to be taken for many things I am not: stupid, arrogant, a tramp who eats men for breakfast, prostitute, devilish bitch and so on. I am so used to be taken by these treats (by people who dont even know me) that I can already laugh at it all.
My friends agreed - and I guess that s one of the main reasons why I love them both - that real hard working and talent shown on the stage are enough for us.
This made me feel warm inside, like finding my way home when I had been lost for a long time. It felt great to find another ARTISTS (and these ones are ARTISTS) who, like me, didn t want to play the Super Star game and just allow themselves to have a human, peaceful, simple personal life where their relations are built from and for love, not from/for professional interests.
So many dancers befriend or even marry others they don t love, prostituting their bodies and their souls, just in order to reach some specific point in their careers and never get the chance to have REAL FRIENDS, REAL LOVERS, REAL LOVE in their lives because they re too busy playing the games of power...how sad can that be?!
We didn t see the time passing...I love those guys and it feels amazing to find another dancers who, like me, dont get dirty in this business and care for their work without turning themselves into soulless animals.
It seems I am not alone in this journey...and what amazing companions do I have, indeed.
We didn t see the time passing...I love those guys and it feels amazing to find another dancers who, like me, dont get dirty in this business and care for their work without turning themselves into soulless animals.
It seems I am not alone in this journey...and what amazing companions do I have, indeed.
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