Monday, April 23, 2012


Dear egyptian politicians (or something like that). I love Egypt, we all love Egypt and what Egypt needs is not - REALLY! - a restrictive political agenda that focus on porno websites and women´s clothing. That is NOTHING when compared to the GENERAL CORRUPTION you need to clean up, the EMPLOYMENT system and JOB CREATION you need to implement, the EDUCATIONAL system you need to redefine and improve, the HEALTH CARE you need to HUMANIZE.

A lot of time and energy is being wasted on subjects that only matter to empty head, sick people. Covering a woman´s head or body will NOT bring prosperity to the country. Judging homossexuals or pointing fingers at fallic shaped vegetables and fruits will not solve the URGENT problems our Egypt needs to see approached.

REAL POLITICS is about improving CITIZEN´S LIFE QUALITY and that does not include turning them into mental retards with your lunatic, paleolithic ideas of what a DEMOCRATIC STATE should be.
Adress the REAL issues that will FEED, EDUCATE, TAKE CARE of egyptian´s LIFE and brigther future. That will be much more appreciated than "pseudo-religious" bullshit.
Yours, truly...
(the "rakasah", one of your most beloved public enemies).

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