Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Charleville:THE castle...and ghost´s visits to my room...Lovely!

Tullamore, the 25th May, 2012

Arrival to Charleville castle. Gothic, visibly inspired and structured by Masonry, vampire like castle full  of darkness and creativity. For a sunny person like me, it´s strange to feel so passionate about a place like this. Though fantastic, it is dark. And LOVELY. Yes, you read it well. 
Shakefest organization seems to be made out of love for this place. Is is possible to fall under the love spell for a castle?! I guess it is.Volunteers show up from all Ireland to gather in the Midlands of the country, right in the belly of it all: Tullamore. I start to understand why they do it.

The first night spent in the castle was - predictably - an array of encounters with some of the so called ghosts that are said to haunt this castle. I can say it out loud with no reservations because I have no expectations of being taken by an intellectual who only believes in the authority of Rationality. I proclaim the right to WONDER for myself and others as well as the limitations of the Mind. Life is bigger than our minds, storage rooms of old luggage. So much of this and other dimensions do not fit inside the mind´s drawers. Life is also MAGIC, MYSTERY, ENIGMAS that we will, probably, never solve. Without those, it would all be extremely boring. 
The right to WONDER and to admit I cannot understand or explain everything and that´s just fine.
My room was prepared in an isolated tower of the castle, far away from human activity, fire burning to warm up the damp room, candles and moonlight. Spooky?! You may have thought so but not quite. 
What I ´ll tell next will be seen by many as the confirmation they for so long awaited: Joana is mad. Well, you know? I´ve been taken by so many things I never was and subject of so many stories that never belonged to me...I might as well keep TELLING it like it is, despite everybody´s opinions. And the TRUTH - uncomfortable and magic - is:
I awoke in the middle of the night with a male spectrum poking my head with his fingers. He introduced himself and we had a little chat. Then I fell asleep again and was, once more, awakened by a young girl playing with my feet, also hoping for my attention and a little pleasant welcoming chat. Then again I fell asleep, visibly exhausted in an abnormal way, and was awakened by a third person which characteristics I don´t recall anymore. They were not scary, mostly kind and happy to have me with them in the castle, curious to know who I am and where I came from. 
What they had in common? A clear need for attention, care and communication from the heart. Endearing and kind of sad. Human fragility and hunger for CONNECTION and LOVE goes beyond the physical death, so it seems...

I woke up in the early morning feeling mentally drained but happy and extremely peaceful. Hoping my "ghost" friends would visit me again the next nights but they didn´t. I guess they knew BETTER...everything in the right measure. I keep them in my heart, as well as the gratitude for an unforgettable experience that no words can fully express. Whoever you are, our souls were connected that night and will always miss. See you around, dear Charleville friends.
By the end of the trip, I was used to my gothic, damp room and its loving, ever watchful present spirits looking over my shoulder. Not scary, rather pleasant. People who are actually physically alive scare me much more than these souls I met on that eventful night of surprises that shaped the way I saw LIFE. Forever...

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