Thursday, June 7, 2012

"It was just one of those things..."

" of those crazy flings..." Cole Porter once wrote in a famous song I yell about in the shower.
Dancing with my dearest Mahmoud Reda *(the Father of Egyptian Folklore and creator of the iconic "Reda Troupe") is always a pleasure that goes beyond reason. First, I was his student (some call it "disciple" though designations are not a very important subject to me), then his assistant in choreography and workshops while enjoying a friendship that was born out of pure tenderness and generosity. Then dancing pals/friends/fellow members of that secret society of human beings who are CRAZY about Dance. Let me put it this way: even if this was not our craft, people like and my dear Mahmoud would still DANCE, breath it, taste it, go mad about it. Would I be cleaning classrooms in a school or would Mahmoud be a police officer (!), we would manage to DANCE, DANCE, DANCE in our jobs. Me with cleaning tools and Mahmoud with a pistol, stick or whatever police men carry these days.

Enjoying any type of dance training with him is a pleasure I will never be tired of. This morning´s class was no exception. I wasn´t there on duty or as a student. I was just there, learning, repeating, being in Mahmoud´s loving (and patient) presence, enjoying his TALENT that, thanks God and lots of his own hard work, never faded. We´re talking about a 82 year old gentleman who is still traveling the world to teach dance and  still choreographing with the enthusiasm of a beginner. THAT must mean something*.

-You´ll get bored, probably...- He tells me.
-I never get bored with you, Mahmoud. - I always answer.

A few teachers have marked me for Life. 
Prisca Diedrich - the one who showed me Oriental Dance is a SPIRITUAL path of growth.

Shokry Mohamed - The one who whispered in my ears "you´re gonna be a great Oriental Dancer and a famous one in Egypt and the world." Wowa, Nelly! He told me this when I was finishing my Acting training at the grand Conservatoire and was already working in theater and television.
 -Oh, you´re mistaken, Shokry. I am an actress, that´s what I do...- I answered him, completely incredulous of the "bomb" he had thrown at me.
-You will see... - He smiled, smooth and peaceful as only Shokry could ever be (the hands of this man, OH the hands!).

Souhair Zaki - Though our contact was short timed and no explanations were offered, she changed the way I saw and did DANCE forever. Just by following her in the classes she so generously offered me.

And Mahmoud Reda - My grandfather, friend, teacher. Another incredible man who saw things in me I didn´t know I had. Taught me all about egyptian folklore first hand, no reserves, no information kept secret, TOTAL generosity. Until NOW, today.
We disagree very often, that´s certain. Our forms of expression are born from different times, energies, places in the Human realm but - somehow - there is a place where we meet and understand each other. A place with no time or space. 
"Love you, Mahmoud! Always will..."

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