Saturday, June 16, 2012

I mean...REALLY???


I am a client of the most expensive gym in Egypt so that I can enjoy my training without a thousand eyes stuck to every bit of my body and, hopefully, also  some kind of privacy and civility I
don´t find anywhere else around.
Some neutral space where I can do sports, take a good shower and relax without any kind of harassment or brain it wished.

When I was running on the treadmill today, the gym´s music stopped, as well as the movies showing on the televisions spread all over the  room. Training is hard enough when you ´re tired and the heat is breaking us down in this early egyptian Summer. Music and some distraction is more than welcome but...not anymore.

When the time for the main muslim prayer of the week arrived, music and television turned to Mecca and it was from there that I could continue my running. All televisions were automatically tuned in a Saudi Arabian channel where you could follow the sheikh´s speech and see people in white "gallabeyas" walking around the "Kaaba". The preaching time went on for, at least, half an hour, when it was time for me to leave.

Really?! In the gym?! Where I pay a fortune to enjoy a time "outside of the madness going around me"?
I call  it a DISRESPECT. I have nothing against any religion and I respect everyone´s choice to profess whatever they want, when they want. Just don´t INVADE my right to BE DIFFERENT. I need music to run like a wild horse for 20 minutes, not a religious speech. It is a practical, logical matter, it is not an argument against any kind of religion. If people wish to pray a thousand times a day and listen to a sheikh twenty four hours per day I am fine with that. Just don´t push me to do the same, thank you very much!

The "religious" invasion of public spaces is happening on a gradual but fast pace in Cairo. It is becoming, in my opinion, way too much to bare. I respect the right for other´s choices, they should respect my own.
What if gyms and other public spaces would start stopping their regular functions in order to pass buddhist, jew, christian, hindu prayer times?! How would THAT be accepted?

RELIGION is supposed to be a PRIVATE choice that is born from each person´s heart and consciousness, not something you IMPOSE on others.
I confess...tired of the madness.

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