Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marriage in Egypt...

Ok, now...
I will not make extensive comments on this post because I have enough detractors by now and an open critic to the way relationships are built in Egypt will only add extra elements to that already long list of people who doesn´t like my criticism and QUESTIONING.

 It is known I love this country, if I didn´t love it I would not have been living and working here for six years of intensive struggle and obstacles. Pointing my finger to the things I wish to see improved is not a sign of despise but true care. It´s easy to leave the country because you can´t stand living here but saying it is the best place on earth or simply the criticize it from afar. Difficult is to still live in it, enjoy its good treats but insist on speaking out about the things that just MAKE NO SENSE. And, believe me, they are PLENTY!

Without further ado, here´s the transcription of an article I found in a well known egyptian magazine about the reasons why Egyptian men and women get married. Let me make clear this is NOT a children or teenager magazine, although you´ll suspect it is. Also notice this is not an magazine issue from the 70s. It is this month´s issue.

Here it goes, the immense emotional maturity I´ve observed over here after all kinds of repression and prohibitions are imposed on Egypt´s citizens. Adults of 30,40, 70 and there you go with a mentality of a 10 year old and the relationship maturity of a 5 year old with a pushy, neurotic character.

Eat away the pearls *(notice these were NOT written by me but by an egyptian lady who writes articles for this magazine)!


1.I´m sick of making out.
2.I want to do it*... a lot!!!
3.I want to have a boy so he could grow up and work with me.
4. My father wants a grandson.
5.I don´t want to have to sneak around her parents anymore.
6.Did I mention I wanna do it?
7.I´m in love with her (for now)!
8.Cooks are too expensive these days.
9.I wanna jump to the next level.
10. I want to do it!
11.I wanna have s**!
12. I want to go home after work, throw my cloths on the floor and not worry about my mum yelling.
13. I just wanna jump to the next level!


1.I want to be able to come home late, whenever I want without a curfew!

2. I have sexual curiosity.

3. I am mature enough and can handle a home.

4. I want to be able to smoke at home.

5.I want to make my girlfriends jealous.

6.I can´t wait for my bachelorette party and...7enna....and(...) "katb el ketab"...uff! I can go on forever.

7.I want to go out of my parents house.

8. Because that´s how every fairy tale ends. Duh!

9. I want to invite my friends over every day with no parents in the house. Awwwwwwwwwww!

Texts by Sandra Rizk published in a famous egyptian magazine of this month.

P.S. Ok, there HAD to be a P.S.
A little one, though...There is a very important issue that failed to be introduced in the feminine list of reasons WHY women get married:

* I want a rich husband to offer me a materially comfortable life I can show off to society, family and "friends".
*Plus I could not stop laughing on the point "I have sexual curiosity" located on the feminine list. Yeah, sure. Men "just want to do it" but the LADIES simply have "sexual curiosity" because, God forbid, a LADY having sexual urges. No, LADIES do not have such low instincts. Only tramps and prostitutes have those "things". RESPECTFUL LADIES don´t. Only men and whores, folks. 
(WTF situation over here). 
Did I mention I hate hypocrisy?!

No further comments required. 

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