Friday, October 26, 2012

Dame Margot Fonteyn: In Class, and Rehearsing with Rudolph Nureyev (1964)

"The Choreography Journal" - today is a new* day.

Dear diary,

I often feel bored and lose interest in the current fashion of Oriental Dance. Too much acrobatics, vanity exercizes, circus acts, clones, superficiality and commercial targets instead of ARTISTIC targets; marketing campaigns of dancers who visit Cairo and work for free for a couple of months - just to say they have performed there - assuming they become experts after that; too much eagerness to be this or that and not enough curiosity and passion for this craft. It´s sad to say it but I don´t see Oriental Dance for a long, long time (exception made to Dandash, egyptian dancer I saw performing in Cairo at a party a while ago).
Where is the SOUL of my dance? Where are the DANCERS - not the supposed divas?!

I often feel I´m in the wrong field - although I´m, certainly, in the righ kind of Art; therefore, I look for inspiration and strenght to go on in the most unexpected places - here´s one of them (you cannot escape your own roots, can you?! Classical Ballet will always be a huge part of my own iceberg, probably the part hidden under the water but still there, firm and eternally shaping all that I am).

This video touches my heart on so many levels that words fail to express it. Sharing it and keeping it in the safest corner of my heart - for times of storms and incredible Love.:)

Thanks to Melanie Norman (always with great taste and sensibility) for posting this "inspiration tool".

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