Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bad girl and EVENTS to follow!

I know, I know...I´ve been a bad, bad girl - at least a bad blogger. Many apologies to all my followers but, in fact, these times are streching my already overloaded agenda; myself and I have been divided into so many duties, passions, tasks, challenges and dreams that I fear not even my Gemini multi-tasking personality can take it all in.
I apologize, yet again, in advance for the upcoming absence due to constant traveling for work. I will try to post some news of the events via FB but I cannot promise to update the blog as I go along. Too much on my hands (between the Writing, the Teaching and Performing, the Travels for work and my newest baby ("The Secrets of Egyptian Dance" course) I admit I have my hands full and my cup running over a thousand times more than a common human being can bare.
I´m currently starting a month and a half marathon of INTENSIVE CREATIVE WORK, TRAVELS and CYCLES that are - happily - closing in order for NEW, BRIGHTER things to be born. I am thrilled and excited and always proud for not surrendering to mediocrity and keep moving at my absolute BEST when all odds seem to indicate I would do the opposite.
Next on my AGENDA: Events in in Spain, Russia, Portugal and more to come very soon...
I just hope I can learn as much as I teach (or more); I hope I meet a LOT of people totally in LOVE with Oriental Dance just as I am; I hope God grants me energy, health, inspirations and an open brave chest that turns every wind intowings and rainy days into tempests of extreme JOY after which nothing and no ones stays the same.


Hazem_Zoom said...

Nevermind, although that you got crowded agenda but your blog is active like you:).

Good luck for your next events ,will you share with us what you will find there for dance festivals,when you have a chance or spare time?

big cheeers :D

cairosalegoodies said...

Thanks, Hazem.
This month and half of April will be a REAL marathon for me on so many levels.I cannot promise to update the blogs but I will surely try.
Thanks for your support and enthusiasm.

Hazem_Zoom said...

oh, you will have a real crowded agenda next month :( , anyways good luck

big cheers big cheers.