Monday, December 30, 2013

Thanks giving, letting go and LOOKING FORWARD*...

How I feel: overwhelmed with Gratitude and Love*
An immense GRATITUDE urge seems to be taking over me right now. Suddenly, it seems more obvious than ever the amount of people that helped me be who I am right now (as a person and as an Artist, both one and the same for me). They say it takes a village to raise a child; I say it takes many villages to build a successful artist and human being.

Having a "chat" with my audience in Ukraine*

It´s true that I have faced many obstacles and people who actually hate me without knowing me (just because*) and wish to see me on the floor but that´s just part of the price of a Great Journey Up the Mountain. People who cannot do it* - or are not willing to put up with the work, sacrífices and courage required for it - seem to hate who does it*. We are mirrors of each other - always - and I know how much frustration I can cause on a lot of people. And yet...YET. For each little, poor devil who tries to throw me down the cliff there are five incredible angels who pull me up and ahead. This post is for them (and they are MANY).

Feeling a LOVE outpouring towards the musicians, sponsors, assistants, technicians, dancers, students, fellow professional colleagues, strangers, family and friends who have believed in me - until now - and always reminded me of who I am and how much WE ALL CAN ACHIEVE when we put our minds, hearts and work to it.

My Angels - I have many, thanks God!

Dreaming is not enough; wishing is not enough. We have to dream, take the steps towards that dream and accept there will be tests, sacrífices, hard work, much persistence needed and an whole lot of demons on the way. COURAGE and PERSEVERANCE are as important as TALENT.

Here I am, humble, proud and overflowing with GRATITUDE, doing my little retrospective of my career/life and opening a golden, jeweled door for a new year that will explode with all scales and limits I may have established for myself. READY to shine and thanking each one of the ANGELS I´ve met along the way (they know who they are).
Love you and could not have made it - so far - without you*********************

"Il Hob how da il Qanun" - "Love is the Law", the inscription I ordered for my living room sofá in Cairo, Egypt.

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