Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Story of my Life :)

Oh, yeah, baby!*********************
Image courtesy: Elizabetha de Lacanne


Don´t ask me to shut up; to hide behind the cloak of shame or false humiltiy; to pretend I have no brain, no heart, no life (I AM LIFE, you see: more than alive: I AM LIFE).
I speak up; I sing out loud; I occupy, caress and OWN the floor I step in. No fear can catch me by the feet (defeat). I am above the ground and inside the ground: in and out.

Use all that you´ve got, girl! Each one of us is a little ray of light (sun & moon) - not using that light is choosing a precocious death.
BE ALIVE - Be Life* (you already are).


Titles and cathalogs: never been a fan of those.
I am whatever my heart and soul dictate at each second of this blessed life - beyond all shelves & definitions. Notice: defining is a way of killing (a person, a subject, an universe).
Freedom is my surname and BEING (faithful to myself) is my art*

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