Wednesday, February 13, 2013

(Full*) moon gifts falling on my lap...

Ok: I am a moon lover (and that love is becoming more and more obvious as I progress into myself and my own FEELING of what it means to be a WOMAN). I die and feel reborn at every moon cycle (both physically and spiritually) and am blessed for Nature´s collaboration in that sacred process I go through with my hand holding the moon´s hand.
Between many of the GIFTS I am now open to receive here´s little observation I wrote on my bed side notebook:
"Music has always been a part of religion, the religious feeling and rituals.
Singing is part of religion (in the shape of official songs or disguised into recitation as it happens in Islam, for instance). Priests and false gurus have always known that DANCING would be next logical (and illogical) step towards the Divine. Music is the backstage and Dance is the stage; music is the first step and dance is the peak of the mountain.
If DANCING was allowed and cherished in the religious institutions then a new, higher stand would be taken; the next level of approaching the Divine (within as around us) would be way too close to our hands and would set us FREE. Dance is the next level - after music - of communion with the Divine (directly into ourselves where we would discover God with no need for intermediaries, holly books and governments).
This explains why so many religious authorities forbid Dance and point their finger at it as if it was the devil itself. It´s not because it´s an evil thing to do. It´s actually a blessed state of being during which no harm can be done to one self or others. Evil is in the heads of those who point their fingers at Dance blaming it for the darkness they carry inside themselves.
Music is a step towards God; Dance is the ultimate MEETING-REuniting with God and what´s WHY* it was long ago banned, chased as a sin and covered in shame.

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