Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Heading to Russia (and other dreams come true)

Apologies - again and again - to all my blogs´ readers for my absence and lack of words. My time is applied on MANY big challenges right now and my most valuable words are resting on the pages of published book as well as on my next book (to publish soon).
The word I´m searching for: PRIORITIES.
Telegram (until we "meet" again):
Heading to Russia for 15 days of teaching, performing, lecturing and judging (Astrakan and Moscow). Preparing the most exciting material to share with some of the best dancers in the world.
Learning, jumping off new cliffs and NEVER limiting myself. FREEDOM, CREATIVITY and PASSION are my middle names.
Promoting "The Secrets of Egypt" book; on the finish line of my other* book; travelling, singing, reaching higher and DREAMING beyond everything that seems possible to the common un-believer.
Don´t Forget it: Life is what you make of it.

Discovering my own Voice - literally speaking. Knowing that I had secret treasures no one had ever explored (yet) - not even me. Jumping & flying. Life is NOW.

Updates on "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond" via: https://www.facebook.com/thesecretsofegyptbook

Working and living from my heart - no other way to do IT*

Hey, Jude...(imagine the rest)

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