Sunday, July 24, 2011

For the dancers which see DANCE as their religion...

For the dancers who DANCE because they cannot do anything else...

For the dancers who are not politicians or diplomatic bastards in search of power, status, easy money and empty applauses...

For the DANCERS who dance FROM LOVE and FOR LOVE...

For the DANCERS who KNOW their job is the speak the kanguage of the gods and goddesses, translating it through movement, breathing, emotion and soul...

For the DANCERS who know how to BE HUMAN BEINGS. In and out of DANCE...

For DANCERS who know there is no difference between the stage and LIFE...

For DANCERS who DARE to DANCE, not to ACT...

For all the DANCERS who understand what I just wrote, all my love and compassion simply because I know we are all connected, dancing the same dance, expressing the same TRUTH, living the same LIFE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant remember who said it - film line or real life....maybe you know: "when I dance and I close my eyes, its the moment when I feel I am closest to God,than any other moment" sentiments exactly, my favorite dance quote, may well be my mantra :-)