Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sekhmet mode.

In Egypt, and still around the whole world, Women are still put into very clear, limited boxes.

If you are strong and defend yourself from all the bastards of this crazy world of ours you are seen as a cruel bitch. If you let others step on you and surrender to the male supremacy, letting others lead your life and the way you behave, then you are a weak doormat where everybody seems to step.

Now, here s the thing. I know myself quite well by this corner of the road and LOVE what I know about it! Kind of proud too...

So I become Sekhmet when that s what s required of me.

From all the pain and disappointments, I take a renewed FIRE and an even BIGGER strenght full of rage, yes!!!, full of deeply rooted sense of injustice and will to make it RIGHT and put things in their rightful place, YES!!!

From this "Sekhmet" face, only FIRE gets out of me and that s all right. This is no time for tenderness or smooth sailing. This is the time to EXPLODE in a way that transforms the deepest SADNESS into an unsuspected VICTORY.

I am, officially, in a "BITCHY MODE" and damn proud of it.

Women of this world, WAKE UP and smell the coffee...always remember some wise popular phrase that tells us only bad girls go everywhere!

Incredible how having consecutive back stabbing experiences can give me SUCH a

CREATIVE ENERGY and daring attitude!

Yay to all the wild cats of this world...

1 comment:

Lady Sekhmet said...

Yay, indeed! You are an inspiration to all us wild cats of the world! With the Blessings of the Living Goddess Sekhmet, may you continue to dance, expressing the passions that make life worth living. Sa Sekhem Sahu--Lade Sekhmet (