Tuesday, June 23, 2009

“Artists or mice?! What happens when you refuse to bend your back tothe corrupted power?”

Cairo, the 19th May, 2009

“Artists or mice?! What happens when you refuse to bend your back to the corrupted power?”

*** Oh, returning to Egypt has never felt so good to me, despite all the redefining moments being drawn into my life.I am an idealist and I still hold on to the idea that merit and talent will always win, in the end, over corruption and injustice. I ´ve been criticized by most people I know – even the ones who admire me for thesame reason – for keeping myself so straight into the honesty and dignity path, not allowing anyone to step on my head and disrespect me. Life keeps surprising me, though…

*** I returned to work discovering, once more, that my working schedule had been reduced to a fifth part of what it´s supposed to beas a punishment for the demanding of payment for my work and respect by the management. Yes, they all agree I am the best dancer there,they told me so and public requests confirm it all the time. Yes, they also know they´re loosing money by cutting down my working nights.Sure, they do know that I never failed to deliver the best work within all circumstances and, nevertheless, punishing the rebel who demanded her fair payment and respect for her work must be done in order torestore the expected hierarchies. Enough of the “dancer´s” demands!Who does she think she is?!
After being questioned for the twentieth time about the reason of this unfair radical schedule cut, the manager – who is, obviously, a genius undercover – answered that everybody was disrespected and had their payments always late and I was the only one who dared to complain and refused to work until the situation was corrected. So, mea culpa fornot being a coward and speaking up for my rights.

*** I was the only one to complain because I am the only one who dares to do so.From all the women and men working in that place, I was the only one who ever cared to complain when things were not right for myself, my musicians and even for the staff. I had been the female “Ghandi” ofthe damned place and I was punished for that. History repeats itself,saving the obvious distances. It´s my right and duty to demand my fair payment in its right timing and the respect of all my co-workers whomI also respect in return. I demand because I am in a position that my talent and quality of my work have assured me. Besides everything, I am demanding the obvious, most basic requisite earned with my own brain, sweat and talent.Did I demand a rose scented backstage room with diamonds and gold decorations and Evian water at my disposal?! Did I refuse to work because there was no red carpet leading me to the stage?!

*** From the biggest injustices can come great achievements and mediocrity never took more than one minute of my attention. There´swork to be done and that´s all I care about. The way is UP and theonly direction I know is FORWARD!

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