Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cairo, the 12th September, 2009

“ESSENTIAL futilities!”

Now here’s another tip for dancers: Never, EVER perform with a beautiful dress that feels uncomfortable and too tight.
Tonight, I could hardly breath as I danced simply because I decided to ignore that the dresses I chose for the night’s program were part of that dangerous group of “bedlehs” which look GREAT and feel TERRIBLE.
I call them the “problematic seductive bedlehs”.
These were purchases I have made during PMS (it completely blurs your vision and distorts your wise perspective) or in a hurry when I knew a dress was not well cut or the bra was too small for me and, even though I knew it, I still bought them because it was so gorgeous!

Yes, they’re so gorgeous – and cost me so much money – that I have to dress them, once in a while, but I always need a temporary amnesia to go ahead on doing it.
I make myself forget how uncomfortable they really are and hope, God knows why, that they have become better with time (?!). As if some invisible fairies had done some nightly silent work on the “bedlehs” and, suddenly, they fit as perfectly as they look!

Better to look a little worse but feel free and comfortable in your dance dress. Nothing as horrible than performing while in pain and not being able to breath.
Unpleasant and dangerous!

Vanity won tonight and I must advise you not to do the same. To dance properly, you need to feel GREAT, more even than to LOOK GREAT. If both of them are possible at the same time, then it’s PERFECT.

Still a few shows to go but…
Preparing to travel…very happy and anxious to land in Lisbon and run to the beach!
The Portuguese sea breeze and the sound of the wild waves breaking against the white sand shore…aaaahhhhhhhh….missing my country and my people!
I totally need some “normality” time to recharge these over exhausted batteries.
Portugal, here I come…

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