Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lisbon, the 26th September, 2009


I´ve been digging the earth, quite literally.

Almost returning to my Cairo crazy life and all its exciting, stressful bits, I am still enjoying the ESSENTIALS.

The ESSENTIALS are the things I found out to be the most important in life, despite their apparent normality:

1.Holding hands with my mum and walking around with her under my arm.

2.Being in the presence of my close family and friends and drinking from their love, their silent support, the view of their eyes caressing me (caressing Joana, the person under the cover of the DANCER or the ARTIST), our "laughing together"...

3.Eating together with this incredible people who boost my self-awareness and esteem like no one.

4. Kissing our animals (dogs and cats and even horses, if we had them!) at such an extent that they take my perfume.I smell like them and they smell like me. Oh...pure sweetness...

5.Teaching students that are "more than students". Between fans, students and friends who recognize your value and cherish you for it.

6.Knowing a few new people that are worth knowing. My profession - in the area of Oriental Dance, as a performer, a teacher, a researcher, a singer and as an artist overall - is surrounded by LOVE, SOUL FOOD, people and things that not only inspire me but also touch my heart. My work is all about LOVE and I cannot put it in my art with all my honesty if I don´t feel it.

Having the chance to meet people who get into my system (not an easy task!).
Not being easy to impress me (you never really know what I find appealing, what strike me as unique and valuable...hard to know...), it´s great to meet people who don´t even try to impress me and, without noticing it and thanks to their inner life´s quality, touch me and deserve my respect and admiration.

7. Breathing the early morning breeze, walking around our garden bare footed and take it all in. Silence and peace. Two of our century´s new luxuries.

7. Just BEING me without having to be the talented artist every single night (although I am already missing the stage...)

"To forget how to dig the

earth and tend the soil is

to forget ourselves."

Mahatma Ghandi

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