Monday, June 27, 2011

Joana Saahirah of Cairo dancing Om Kolthoum

Between the huge jump in the dark that means writing my own book - made of so much LIFE, sweat, tears and incredible joys - preparing new work in Cairo (being my own BOSS without dealing with the dirty power/sex games of men is my main dream right now!) and choreographing for workshops in the world there is nothing more I can say rather than a regular and smiley "I am doing great, despite all the bumps in the road!"

Putting myself, my strenght and limits to the test is what I do on a daily basis. Taking risks, going where no one else goes, doing things "my way" and not following any rules but the ones I create for myself as I travel along is my routinary way of breathing.

I often think life would be much easier if I just surrendered to the system and became one more sheep in the massive group of coward sheeps I see around me. How easy it would be to abide by the rules others make for me, even if that means being unhappy, and not taking responsability for my own life, not taking any risk, not hurting my feet in such a deep way every time I move forward into unknown roads.

Yes, it would be so much easier but it wouldn t be me and the only thing I truly own is MYSELF and the only thing I TRULY owe to myself is to BE myself without surrendering to the crowds without soul s way.

In this video, as in many others you can see, I dance for/to my man. This is life, after all. I ve said it time and time again and I will never get tired of doing so...DANCERS need true happiness in order to DANCE true happiness on stage.
What you see is what it IS.

Here I am, using Om Kolthoum s music, and seeming to dance but what I am really doing is LOVING my man through every movement, every breath, look and pause.

Writing, performing, teaching and choreographing are so much one and the same thing for me. All of them ways of expressing my view of DANCE, ART, myself and the world. All of them a veiled way to be HEARD.
And, rest assured, to love my man in every possible way that I can. Even on stage where they say life doesn t happen.
Can I be allowed to disagree?!

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