Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I discovered: Oriental Dance is...

Movements - just like words - are nothing but emptiness if they´re not filled with REAL LIFE and REAL FEELINGS. 
Dance is a LANGUAGE without spoken words; it´s the Soul talking louder than a million trumpets on a king´s coronation day. 

First you learn the A-B-C, then simple words; after mastering the basic letters and words, you coordinate more complex words with others and start to build phrases; the complexity of the phrases will grow with time, experience, TALENT, hard and continuous work in which PASSION, HUMBLENESS and CURIOSITY MUST always reside. From one stage of complexity to anothers, higher and endless...

You learn the RULES properly (and holistically) so that you can, later on, BREAK THEM, flourishing without cutting the roots that represent the Dance´s original IDENTITY. 

Some dancers are prone to fall on the technical side of the matter ( lacking feeling, expression, creative surprises, SOUL); other dancers decide that technique is not that important and trust only their intuition and feeling (lacking vocabulary and falling in the common monotony of the same movements repeated until exhaustion). 

Finding the middle path and conjugation between REASON and HEART is the key.

Trying to communicate - speaking, writing, dancing, etc - without technique is like throwing confusing, impossible to understand messages throughout the air; limiting yourself to the technique - and not going beyond it - is expressing yourself in a poor way that does not make justice to the UNIQUE PERSON/DANCER you are.

Oriental Dance - aka belly dance - is a plain "ass shaking" business, they say...
SURE IT IS (never contradict stupid and crazy people).:)))

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