Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cairo, the 5th April, 2010


I've said it before:
As an artist (and, may I say, as a person) all I ever want from my audiences is to be loved.
That sense of deep and real connection between the artist and his/her audience, that fine line that connects heart to heart, soul to soul.
That possibility God gives us to reunite our human dimension and divine dimension.
That LOVE.

I thank God before and after every show. I own my rituals of Thanks Giving because I'm aware of the gifts I've been given.
The biggest of all is the love I receive from the people who watch my shows.

Professional dancers of the same area are not prone to come to me and tell me a nice word. Most of them prefer to badmouth and belittle their colleagues but, once in a while, there's a sign of greatness and Art companionship.

I love to receive other dancers at work, even if most of them seem to hate me with their guts.
Two nights ago I received the kind of compliment that brings tears of joy in my eyes.
After I finish my fourth and last show of the evening, totally wasted and dreaming of reaching my bed, even wondering if all the effort and sacrifices are worth it all, the chief of my orchestra called me and said someone wanted to talk to me.

I went out to check who it was and saw a tiny lady who appeared to be russian waiting for me.Her son and her husband were there too with two big, wonderful smiles on their faces.

She hugged me and told me: THANK YOU.
I thanked her back and said I only do my job, nothing extra!
Then she told me the following and it killed me:

- I am a ballerina, a professional dancer and I've seen many oriental dancers all around the world but no one touched my heart like you.
You dance in a different, special way. I cannot describe it but I had to thank you.
I've never seen anything like this.

Well...what to say?
I was speechless and so flattered.
This lady didn't throw me a simple GOOD JOB thumbs up or told me the shallow stuff I often hear ( you're beautiful, your dresses are amazing, you're this and that).
She told me I touched her heart and that was ALL I ever wanted to hear, as far as ART is concerned.
In a second, all I've been through, all I've struggle and cried for was worth it.

I thank this lady, wherever she is.
She gave meaning to the whole path.

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