Monday, February 28, 2011

Cairo, the 1st March,


Alaa Al Aswany does it again!

He was already one of my favourite egyptian writers.

He wrote the wonderful and, for some time, infamous "Jacoubin Building" also turned into yet another amazing movie which shook Egypt s silent consciousness.

He also wrote "Chicago" and "Friendly Fire". The first book left me indifferent, "Friendly Fire" didn t.

Now, on the spot and at the right commercial and political moment, Alla strikes again with a brand new book that took me by storm today.

"On the state of Egypt" promises to be another eye opening for a lot of people, including me.

Leaving and working in Egypt, with egyptians and mostly for egyptians in the last 5 years has already been a crude reality check on many levels but there s so much information that passes us by or never reaches public discussion and opinion.

Ready not to be disappointed.

Alla was, in the middle of censorship, a brave voice speaking up the TRUTH when everybody else pretended all was ok in the "kingdom of Denmark". Thanks, dear Mr. Shakespeare!

Now, standing at the door of a FREE country full of hopes his voice can rise even higher than before.

Going to dig into this book immediatly. Then I ll let you all know about it!

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