Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cairo, the 27th February, 2011


As I walked along the particularly cleaned pavement on the 26th July street near from my home in Zamalek, I noticed a great deal of stickers spread over cars saying "Yes, we CAN!".

As I slowly start to land in Egypt and all its new realities, I notice there is a confusing message in all this OPTIMISTIC vibe of an apparently renewed country.

"Yes, we CAN". I agree.

People could throw a dignified, brave, victorious Revolution for the sake of all the fair things egyptians demand in all their right yet I can t help but wonder...Yes, you CAN.


What can you do right NOW to follow through with all the rights egyptian people have so strongly requested.

A Revolution seems to be, at my eyes, like an emotional gesture.

The BUILDING of a new country as Egypt deserved to be cannot be JUST an emotional gesture. It takes BRAIN, HARD WORK, ENERGY to innovate and take this country forward.

Ideas, if isolated by itself and their undeniable beauty, are not enough to make a CHANGE.

Action is required and I have faith that Egyptians will have that stamina to re-build this country and recognize its value for so long forgotten.

As for me, I am MORE than READY for work. NEWER, more inspired than ever.

This comes, in big part, because I have an huge faith in egyptian culture and I intend to do my job the best I can in order to bring out the best of this country s culture.

There should be a revival of the treasures contained in egyptian music, dance and Arts in general. A change in the educational system and in economical conditions so that people can be stimulated to create more and better for themselves, their families and country.

Did I mention how excited and happy I am for being back home...I think I did.

*You could all feel it by my words, any way.

Egypt! An old country with a brand NEW PRESENT...................................

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