Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Belly Power (a MUST READ)*

Here´s an article I can fairly denominate a "MUST READ".
Essential reflexions on women´s belly, creativity, freedom, power and the way all of those are still feared and savaged.
If you´re na Oriental Dancer, then consider it a triple "MUST READ" article.
LOVE inteligente people doing inteligente things in the world.
***To access this and other (extremely interesting and relevant articles) follow the link: http://bodydivineyoga.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/the-great-belly-a-yoginis-lament/

1 comment:

Hazem_Zoom said...

Thanks for the link of that article of Body Yoga, my own experience about yoga is not much but thanks for the article anyways 9specially that you choosed a subject in it related to belly, bellydance and yoga ;)
