Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Surrendering to the Mystery*

Teaching is learning twice, right?
You teach what you need to learn, isn´t it?
So here we go (from my Travel Notes in London, written after my weekend courses):

Accepting the Mystery, the illogical (or beyond the Rational Logic of Mathematics), the Unknown, the Void, the place where no brain arrives is part of the highest Intelligence of a Dancer-Person.

Not everything in the Universe exists so that we rationally understand it but, probably, that empty space where the brain has no saying or doing is all around us (and inside us) to be EXPERIENCED by the heart: a heart that asks no questions and simply surrenders to the apparent chaos where the Divine Order makes us all dance-live.
Somethings are meant to be kept in our ignorance so that we can breath, keep that essential glimpse of illusion alive and thrive for tomorrow´s sake. If we were given the full access to all Knowledge we would - I bet! - explode and disappear as human beings. A percentage of ignorance is so important - now it seems...- as a passionately acquired percentage of Knowledge.

Knowing when to THINK is as wise as knowing when to let thinking rest for a much appreciated nap.
Knowing to accept the pure, blissful state of "not knowing" is as important as the willingness to inquire and the thirst for more Light.

Surrendering to the Mystery of Existence - in dance as in life - as if you would surrender between the arms of your most beloved one.

Joana Saahirah - in the booklet "The Secrets of Egyptian Dance"

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