Friday, June 28, 2013


VERY happy* to know that my upcoming WORKSHOPS in SLOVENIA (by the end of September) are already SOLD OUT.:)
Oh, boy! This is what I call my usual "Creativity Booster".
Although I´ve won lots of battles while dancing with OBSTACLES and even considered them my Masters it is GREAT to know that GROWTH can also come from supporting circumstances and from this FANTASTIC feed-back from dancers who - all over the world - appreciate my work.

 World*: here I come.

1 comment:

Hazem_Zoom said...

LOL congratulations Joana, this means that bellydancing has its audience in Slovenia?

Nice to know that you had some success for making sales of your workshop, dancers in Slovenia sem that they like your style, that's good

Sorry for my less existence here in your blog as Our Egypt now is busy fighting for its freedom (real freedom this time in 30 june and later)

Take care and see you again soon ;)