Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cairo, the 10th October, 2009

"Still fighting the "Evil Eye" PLUS CSA intimate show, big wedding and "Nile Maxim" restarting season...lots on my mind"

"Evil eye is a look that is believed by many cultures to be able to cause injury or bad luck on the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike. The term also refers to the power, superstitiously attributed to certain persons, of inflicting injury or bad luck by such a look.
The idea that the term (which has been around for over a millennium)[1] denotes causes many cultures to pursue protective measures against it. The concept and its significance vary widely among different cultures."

From wikipedia

So far, the evil eye is reaching everybody around me - the closest ones- but not me -God be blessed. If one of my best friends - also an experienced astrologer - was here, she would say that "of, course, you´re protected"...A kind of a benevolent witch that reflects evilness on the sender like an ironic boomerang...the ones who try to "screw me" (forgive me the poetry), end up naturally screwed up themselves while I watch and move forward.

Thank you, God!

The sick musicians and assistant are still sick. Praying for them.

As far as I´m concerned, it has been a crazy return.
A fast CSA (the Institute where I teach Oriental Dance) show, a big, fun and messy wedding and my "Nile Maxim" challenges- shows - restarting at full energy and inspiration.
I have a question here: "Why do I always have so much fun performing in egyptian weddings but am never allowed to actually DANCE which is the job I am being paied for?!"
I leave this question to all of you to consider (the ones who are interested which I suspect are a very meager percentage of readers).
The dance floor was invaded by the sweetest bride and groom and virtually ALL the family and guests - and even staff of the hotel - in the wedding. If I had had space to move a finger, I would have been lucky but...not the case.
The extreme situation got to a point when I displaced one of my percussionists from his chair and stood up on it doing all my tabla solo on the chair.
Did I set fire to the party?!
Well, YES!´
Did I had fun and gave joy to the people in the wedding (and flies, mosquitos and buffet appetizers)?!
Damn, I did!
Did I dance?!
No. :(
If I am a dancer and I am not allowed to dance, it should be frustrating but, most amazingly, I had so much fun that frustration was erased. If only this time...
Is my artistic sense disappearing? HEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!:)
Oh, I am happy!!!
Plus, me discovering Tony Bennett at home singing "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars..." (simply AMAZING), Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, all the american goodies.
Because Oriental Dance is not only about Oriental Music and food for the soul comes from varied sources, all the time.
Thanking God for ALL the protection and blessings and preparing for a great Salsa night with cuban cigars and friends!YES!

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