Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cairo, the 18th October, 2009

"Many faces, my own endless growth"

Me, always growing in several directions.
It's great when you're not in the "cathalog", when no one can actually classify you as a woman or a human being.

I'm not the usual "belly dancer" most people have in their minds.
I am not a saint and I'm not a "bitch".
I am not a house wife but I enjoy to stay home for a while walking around in my shorts, reading, eating by the light of candles in good company, just remaining quiet.
I am not a party girl but I do love a great party with friends. Salsa and cubanitos with the ones who love me beyond appearances (because I am way too many things for appearances to define me).
I am shy and I am brave.

I am ugly and beautiful.
I am the smile and the tear.

Light and darkness alternating like the day and the night.

I am not white or black. I don't belong to anywhere and yet I am from everywhere.
Not allowing life to stick a single "cathegory" on my skin has been one of my proudest personal assets. Want to keep going.

I reject the idea of having to fit into a way of being, thinking, acting. I am totally myself and that can be offensive to many's sensibility.
Isn't it part of being an ARTIST? Reaching out for your own REAL SELF?!
And knowing we're HUGE, we can be everything. Why diminish ourselves and put us into shelves where we think we can totally figure ourselves out?!

In Egypt, a woman's role is very clear as it is the role of a man.
And yet life's changing. Not even ignorance and centuries of repression and prejudice can stop the Universe from advancing.
Time to open our minds, time for hearts and souls to CHANGE.

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