Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cairo, the 25th October, 2009

"Falling, stepping ahead, back and forth on the path to my Soul"

Performing practically every day and night has great stuff about it but also its downside.

Besides the obvious exhaustion, there is the risk of falling into routine or loosing the track of the path you initially dreamt for yourself.

I have to land my feet on the ground constantly in order not to loose the sense, reason and goals of what I am doing.

My hands want to grab way too many things at the same time. I am just a normal person and my day has 24 hours like the days of everybody else. I lead myself to exhaustion very often trying to drive several entreprises ahead and never delegating work on others. Unfortunately, I trust myself and no one else can do MY job quite like I do. Maybe I am wrong...

Autumn has finally arrived at Cairo and I´m pissed off at it. I am not a cold´s fan.

Already miss my sunny days...and yet...always...


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