Saturday, July 14, 2012

"She´s just not that into you" - female version. PART INFINITE.

Post dedicated to men, in general, and to egyptian/arab men in particular (whose egos tend to be higher than Everest mountains and the self-esteem more illusory than kindness in Adolf Hitler´s heart).


If a Woman shows no interest in you - and saying hi, shaking your hand and being polite does NOT mean she is interested, it just means she is a civilized person - it is because (NOW REPEAT AFTER ME): "SHE´S NOT THAT INTO YOU".

It is NOT because she is:
1. A lesbian.
2. Conservative/prude.
3.Emotionally traumatized from previous relationships.
4.Still in love with her ex.
5. Recovering from a contagious skin disease that she´s afraid to pass on to you.
6.An alien disguised as a woman in a spy mission to planet Earth and to Egypt, specially.
7. Men hater.
8. Blind. I mean physically blind, not able to see the man´s irresistible crossed eyes and fluffy mustache.

No, no, no. SHE´S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. Take a little knife and stuck it, maybe for the first time, in your swallowed ego. Let the balloon explode just one time, a little bit. I promise you will not die neither will the world end.

I know this possibility will not land on most male´s minds but, please, take it in consideration for my mental sanity sake and avoid the bitchy, sarcastic, offensive attitude once you realize - AFTER hundreds of refusals from THAT woman - that she´s just NOT interested in you as a lover/boyfriend/husband. 

It is common for men around here to choose women and haunt them as an english colonizer used to haunt "ghazelles" in India. The "ghazelle" had no option other than let herself be haunted.  I know a LOT of women will succumb to your feet if they see money, comfort, status and a general aspect of luxury around you (many of them will succumb if you have two legs and two arms and a job that pays the bills).

 But, take my word, that there are others who are not "ghazelles" expecting to be haunted. In fact, they are the hunters - and I know this goes against thousands of years of brain mechanisms that tell the male side of the world that they are the providers and hunters of meat, women included - but it is the disturbing truth.

Some women don´t expect to be chosen and are not easily impressed by your worldly feats and bank account. Some women are - now surprise yourself!- DEMANDING in a way that they expect their men to be:

1. Intelligent, not smart asses.
2. Honest, not smart asses # 2.
3. Handsome. Oh, yeah....Eureka! You discovered: women also appreciate BEAUTY and handsome men.
4. Funny and fun to be with, not smart asses # 3
5. Sexy, not smart asses # 4 with an absurd pride in their chest hair.
6. Hard working, not smart asses # 5.
7. Passionate, faithful, strong, with CHARACTER that is so strong it doesn´t need to put women down in order to show he´s a MAN.
8. LOVING in THAT* way that makes a woman feel like...A WOMAN.
9. A Man who is wise, mature and mentally developed enough to KNOW that a Woman is not less than him in any possible way. She´s just a HUMAN BEING, just like him. Not weaker, not dumber, not more dependent, not your property. A HUMAN BEING. 

(Oh, oh! Did I listen to some brains exploding now?!)

Oh, I know...these are gems. Rare gems. But, take my word once more, some women will not stand for less than this. 
Now take THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

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