Wednesday, October 10, 2012


That´s what I feel  like saying to all the talented dancers I am blessed to meet on my professional trips (as well as to myself every now and then): JUST FEEL IT.
It sounds so easy and common, yet it is rare.
As Westerners, we are educated to DO-PRODUCE-ACCOMPLISH- ACHIEVE this and that- PROVE OUR WORTH to ourselves, our family and the world - which space is there left for ENJOYING LIFE, BREATHING IN and JUST FEEL the MOMENT?!
Once we arrive to Oriental Dance, that same mental background appears on the surface, bothering and un-mixable like olive oil with water.
Traditionally, egyptians take their time to ENJOY moments, dancing, listening to music (that´s exactly where TARAB comes from: the ability to remain in the moment and ENJOY the music to the fullest of our BEING). We could learn THAT quality from them, couldn´t we?

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