Sunday, October 28, 2012

"The Choreography Journal" - what is egyptian dance?

Egyptian dance is not only about the steps, movements and combinations - it´s so much more than that.
As I choreograph a new piece - specially if this piece comes from "Sit Om Kolthoum" I find this everlasting challenge inside and in front of me: how to LISTEN, EXPRESS and TRANSFORM this song into something that is faithful to authentic egyptian dance?

It´s the walking pace, the hips weight on the ground, the internal and external posture, the sensibility and way of listening - and reacting - to sound, the flowing with it all that define a great deal of egyptian dance. Sure: choosing steps and smart combinations is easy and important but MAKING something unique and representative of egyptian culture WHILE communicating your own  character and soul is THE thing* I long for.

Shokry Mohamed (RIP) - one of my dancing pillars - comes to my mind every time a turning point happens during the choreographic process. He was always about simplicity, listening with the ears of the soul, pausing and moving graciously without that common eagerness to impress. His presence keeps inspiring and guiding me- God bless him.

*Remaining away from current "belly dance" superficiality fashion - it´s just not me 
(and it´s NOT egyptian dance, that´s for sure).

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