Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cairo, the 12th June, 2010

New surrender to the delights of segregation

I cannot believe myself when I bless segregation (any kind of segregation).
Who am I NOW? I cannot recognize myself on so many -frightening - occasions!

The problem is : I am a bad lier so I have to say it as it is.

I have surrendered, again, to the delights of sexual segregation so I joined a gym ONLY for LADIES. No man allowed in.

May I add: YUUUUPPPIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Living in a 24 hour sexual harassement environment, having an ONLY-LADIES gym where I am not being checked from my toes to the littlest of the hairs on my head is a BLESSING.

The downside of it is the NOISE. Too much pheromones, I guess.
And mostly egyptian women, which means: EXTRA NOISE. In high pitch tones that make me quiver.

You cannot have everything. Maalesh...

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