Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cairo, the 5th March, 2011

Following treaps ...Italy and Cyprus on my way!

Life in Cairo is adapting itself to daily umpredictable news so no one knows, for sure, which direction the country will take.
Peaceful demonstrations still happen here and there and there are several conspiracy theories pro and against everyone, big hopes and big despairs from the ones who were, directly or undirectly, connected with the deposed Government.
We all hope for the best of Egypt, no matter which direction it will take. If we were the typical politians, then we might say otherwise and search individual favours for ourselves but, in the end of the day, this country belongs to egyptians and they should be the ones who decide how they wish it directed.
Tourism is still pretty stale and, although I am optimistic about it, the current reality doesn t indicate immediate recovery of the losses the country already suffered.
Then I choose, as usual. I choose to concentrate on what I can work on, with my own hands.
And, right now, that is the BELLYDANCE CONVENTION in ITALY and a business treap to CYPRUS right after Italy.
Many changes in the horizon. But in all these changes, all I ask for is loads of DANCING, ART, CREATIONS of LIGHT, HAPPINESS and LOVE!
I wish no more than performing and teaching my Art at their highest levels, have faithful, sweet friends and close family who share everything with me and the man of my life in my arms.
Am I asking for too much?!
I don t think so.
Despite all odds, I am OPTIMISTIC and keep on smiling, although it s hard to do so.
For infos about Venice s event where I will teach and perform, please check the following website

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