Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Aid mubarak" to all my muslim (and other) friends.

I am prone to appreciate every person and occasion that brings people together for a good cause. In this case, it s the muslim Aid that, not by coincidence, opens the doors to the cold season.

Don t appreciate the crying of the animals which will be killed and eaten all over Egypt. I could dispense that detail yet the family and friends gatherings are wonderful and the good wishes everyone delivers you pretty much everywhere are also a nice thing to have. Wish it could "Aid" like that all the year round...

To all my muslim friends, in particular, for whom this Feast has a religious meaning (o.k, not every "muslim" knows about his/her own religion but let's NOT go into that cause I have enough enemies who hate me for speaking the truth and I don 't need to gather a few more!):

Wish you all a HAPPY and PEACEFUL time with your families and may this be a season of REBIRTH for us and for our beloved Egypt.

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