Saturday, December 24, 2011

In a time of...

In a time of division, we can say UNION.
In a time of fights, we can say PEACE.

In a time of hate, we can say LOVE.

In a time of chaos, we can say TRANQUILITY.

In a time of deceive, we can say the TRUTH.

In a time of repression, we can say LIBERATION.

In a time of darkness, we can say LIGHT.

In a time of uncertainties, we can say I KNOW.

In a time of loss, we can say COMPASSION.

In a time of blindness, we can say I SEE.

In a time of ignorance, we can say ART.

In a time of no soul, we can say ART.

In a time of apparent "no salvation", we can say ART.

In a time when the meaning of LOVE seems to be lost, we can say ART.

In a time where ART doesn t seem to flourish, we can only say and DO ART.

In Art that arises from LOVE lays the salvation of HUMANITY.

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