Thursday, December 22, 2011

Post- Revolution chaos.

A LOT of credit has to be delivered to EGYPTIAN PEOPLE.

Not the politians and the money "pashas" who try to destroy what common PEOPLE are trying to achieve with the Revolution but human beings from all walks of life that wish to have a FAIR, DEMOCRATIC, FREE, CORRUPTION-FREE Egypt to work, grow, live, love, be happy, create their families and know, allas!, some prosperity WITH DIGNITY (things that most egyptians never were allowed to have).

There is no such thing as a perfect Revolution without deaths, conflicts and mistakes.

In every MAJOR event like this one, there are collisions of all kinds and errors that are only human. This is PEOPLE we´re talking about. Not machines (at least, not yet).

I am deeply proud of EGYPTIANS, the common men and women who dare to protest (as they´ve been doing for months, since the 25th January) demanding a political transition that will allow the country to breath in peace and prosperity.

While rich friends of the ex-Government lived like kings and queens (owing favours one to another and, therefore, covering each other´s fat asses), the PEOPLE was oppressed, miserable, trying to find ways - any ways - to survive.

Egyptian corruption is famous and I ve spoken about it very often, not because I don´t love this country that is my home but because I KNOW it and LOVE it, despite everything.

What most of us do not know is that Egypt has been under a system that did not allow QUALITY, HONESTY and DIGNIFIED WORK to succeed. Only smart asses, thieves and easily humiliated sheeps could build a good, comfortable life for themselves.

With so much poverty and lack of fair opportunities, I find amazing how egyptian still managed to keep a smile on their faces, a surprising kindness in their hearts and some purity that is mixed with the games they have to play in order to survive in a place where FREEDOM to BE and DO GOOD things did not exist.

It still doesn´t. And EGYPTIANS are still manifesting in the streets, committing mistakes as it is natural to happen but DOING their best in the best way they can to see a REAL CHANGE in Egypt.

Military against People. Muslims against Christians. This against this.

Let´s then wake up and see that in every Revolution there is always a COUNTER- REVOLUTION. As there are so many of us - me included - who want to see this REVOLUTION succeed for the sake of our beloved Egypt, there are others who do not want it to happen.

Sure, mistakes are made from all sides of the conflicts and different interest still cause deaths, collisions, destruction. BUT I say it once and again: I am proud of EGYPTIANS and, although nobody seems to know what´s REALLY going on right now, or what s the best solution for the apparent democratic victory of the Muslim Brotherhood, there is a CREDIT that must be delivered to my neighbours, my friends, my country fellows.

I fight another battles, through DANCE, ART, WRITING. It is my contribute to this REVOLUTION that is a WORLD REVOLUTION, not only an egyptian one.

My faith, love, strenght and admiration goes to every egyptian fighter who died or lived through this process, well aware that the battle is not yet won and that Rome and Pavia were not built in a single day.

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