Sunday, April 8, 2012

And other miracles of...

Impossible is a word that does not fit into my brain. Maybe some kind of mental limitation that I am proud of (among others, of course...).
Therefore, I make a point on seeing ALL my dreams COMING TRUE. Some have been with me for quite some time, some arise from the most unexpected places, at the most inconveniente times.

****Living and performing in Egypt with my own orchestra, being understood and loved by egyptian audiences (in my live performances) and others all over the world as an ARTIST is a DREAM that already came true.
I am lucky to receive - from God, the Angels and who knows whom else! - the INSPIRATION and PASSION to present ORIENTAL DANCE as an ART form and not as the plain acrobatic exercize I see in most dancers of this genre. What my body, heart, mind and soul produce are nothing but miraculous gifts that I borrow from a higher source. For that I am deeply grateful.

****The second BIG dream, which brought me to Egypt, was to write my own BOOK about what it REALLY means to be a WOMAN and an ORIENTAL DANCER in the birth place of this Art. Not a theoric book like some have written (with a special reference to the amazing Wendy Buonaventura and her classic "The Serpent of the Nile")but a personal account with an insight perspective of someone who has been there, done it and suceeded at it WITHOUT selling her body and soul to the devil. This is no small feat, I may tell you that!

After five years of life and daily work as an Oriental Dancer in Egypt, I finally got the material, maturity and right impulse to write THIS book. I have been doing it, on and off, for the past year. Never imagined what HARD, HARD, HARD work it would be. But it is gaining form and I can already see its shape, flavour and aroma.
Finishing my book and daring to show it to potential publishers...Happening NOW.

****Taking my Passion and Knowledge of Oriental Dance and Egyptian Folclore to the World through shows,
workshops and conferences. Changing people´s mentality towards the subject and crashing prejudices, ignorance and unfair ideas about the Middle East, North Africa and what these cultures have to teach us and offer us.

****Then a brand NEW dream that just showed up in my garden, practically unannounced:
a project to promote my own events in Egypt dedicated to EMPOWERING WOMEN through EGYPTIAN MUSIC, DANCE and CULTURE as well as the EVENTS and INSIGHTS of other Women who, like me, do not give up on BEING the BEST VERSION of THEMSELVES.

The NEXT event will be the 3rd CAIRO ORIENTAL DANCE WORKSHOP on the 20th April.
Much more will come...
Dreams come true when you dare to FIGHT for them, follow them, sacrifice and work hard for them and, above all, never GIVING up on them! It takes a WARRIOR to be an accomplished DREAMER who is also, don´t doubt, an achiever from the SOUL/to the SOUL!

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