Monday, April 23, 2012

On Men´s hidden agendas- Part (who knows?)

It is not the first time I mention the outrage I often feel on the way most egyptian/arab men treat women. Sure I know about the educational/mentality/society conditioning and that people are - in a considerable measure - a product of their environment but still shocks me to see how CONCEPTS like MEAT HUNTING and LOVE are totally mixed up in these gentlemen (or should I say: cave men?)´s heads. From what I observe, none of them has a remote clue on the REAL meaning of FALLING in LOVE with a woman. They simply write down on their dirty agendas:

1. Prey or piece of meat #1 (Joana, the Dancer...UAAAAAAHHH AHHHH AHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!)
2. Prey or piece of meat #2 (Mona)
3.Prey or piece of meat #3 (Linda)
4. Whoever wears skirts and looks like a milking cow on the heat.

It is disgusting, sad, pitiful how they will pretend to be someone they´ve never been, engage in a "I´m your brother/best friend" false talk and try, over and over until complete exhaustion, to haunt you down. No OPEN AGENDAS because that would mean HONESTY (gossips say this will cause you skin irritation and leave you blind within a week, so be aware of this contagious disease some eccentrics call "honesty"..bllgghh!). An OPEN AGENDA would also mean receiving a direct "NO, I am not interested in you as a man. So sorry!" and that goes against all that the MALE EGO of egyptians/arabs is about. For all records, they were never interested in you, NEVER. They just tried to, delicately, get you in bed until they see they ain´t gonna eat from that plate and pass on to second choices of haunting preys.

These hunters may be old enough to be your father, boring enough to make you fall asleep, ugly (inside and out) to make you retreat to Amazonia jungle and never come back but they are, apparently, CONFIDENT as hell.
In fact, REALLY confident men do not hide their agendas. They are mature and brave enough to be honest, direct, respectful of you as a PERSON and take the risk to receive a "No, thanks!". They will not write down women´s names in their agendas, as a grocery shop list, but simply VALUE YOU as the PERSON they happened to fall in love with.

The sensation I get from these cave men is that they NEVER fell in love (which explains why they´re so plain and boring and...). They were "educated" to choose a "nice girl from a nice family" (or several as men are allowed to marry until four women at the same time), marry, procriate, cheat on their wife(s), eat, sleep and die. Although movies, songs and poetry speak about ROMANCE and LOVE that is helpless, fatal and a "can´t live without each other" kind, all of it remains within the illusionary universe of ART. In REAL LIFE people do not KNOW or experience REAL LOVE.

It is not like these cavemen fall in love with you. They don´t because they don´t even know how that happens, how to do it, if it will cause them an allergy like honesty does. They just pinpoint you as a good candidate for the job of serving him as the next doll on their shelf and go for it, getting closer to you "just as a friend", testing the waters again and again until they lose hope of getting you into bed and pass on to the leftovers (other women marked on their agenda).
Pitiful, ugly and ridiculous.
Small Glossary note: a FRIEND does not mean "someone you randomly call that way on the pursuit and hope of jumping into her pants/skirt". A FRIEND is NOT ("wallahi! NOT, NOT, NOT!) a GIRLFRIEND. You should know the difference since kindergarten.
A FRIEND is equal to a person you will cherish all your life for her own sake, no hidden agendas, no ulterior motives. Friendship justifies itself and it is, probably, the purest of all kinds of LOVE because you simply share Life´s ups and downs together with no expectations associated with passion, couple´s emotional luggage or anything else. A FRIEND is like a brother/sister you chose for yourself, it is NOT(!!!) a prey you´re trying to haunt in the sneakiest, most dishonest way.
Hope that´s clear.

"Cleanse...that perilous stuff which weights upon the heart.(...)
Therein the patient must minister to himself."
Macbeth, William Shakespeare

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