Saturday, April 7, 2012

Teaching is always Learning!

Last night´s workshop in Cairo was special in many ways, bringing me as much - or even more - than what I teach.
All I do comes from the deepest of my Soul. When I Dance on stage, choreograph, teach or write, everything that I do through them come from my Soul, Instinct, Intuition, call it the no-name.
So it is only natural that I surprise myself all the time, doing things no one taught me, things that come out of my mouth, eyes, body, hands without my control, consent, request. It is a strange, yet beautiful phenomenon. I am in state of trance when I am CREATING or TEACHING Art.

During yesterday´s workshop, a memory of something my dearest teacher (and best friend) Master Mahmoud Reda told me revisited me: Every Artist must be able to see BEAUTY everywhere, even in the ugliest settings. As Artists, we must be the butterfly hunter who has an eye and an ear for delicate details, soulful corners and BEAUTY. Someone who is not able to find BEAUTY everywhere, cannot - IS NOT - an Artist. I agree.

The journey that entails drinking from a song until you get drunk by it, the jump into the skies that will fill your movements will LIFE and SOUL, all that is possible if you´re searching for BEAUTY in the world. Otherwise, you will not see further than your daily landscapes, already dead by the weight of routine and a mechanical life style who made you forget what it means to BE ALIVE.

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